CredSpark is about audience engagement and insight collection. It’s been our goal to help clients foster repeat engagement from their audience members, beyond simply one-time Interactions. We are excited to announce Collections, which will help you to gather deep and rich data while keeping participants engaged over a long period of time, repeatedly coming back for more!

Collections allow you to group several Interactions and add motivational aspects to improve participants' experiences as well as view their overall engagement and results.

How do Collections work?

A Collection is several Interactions (quizzes, surveys, polls, etc.) that you have grouped together. Collections are designed to work in a way that all your selected Interactions will appear to the participant in the same iframe. After the participant completes the first Interaction, they will see a link to access the second interaction, after completing the second one, they will be directed to the third, etc. We are using cookies to track participant's actions, so the next time they’re on a page with an embedded Collection they can pick up where they left off!

How to create a Collection?

You can access Collections by clicking the tab next to Interactions:

There you will have an option to create a new Collection by clicking the “Create New” link or the “New” button:

The “Add Collection” modal will appear where you can give the Collection a title and add Interactions that should be part of your Collection:

By clicking “Add Interaction” you will open the modal where you can select any Interaction you have created and add it to your Collection. 

Note: The Interaction will remain as a standalone version as well as will be part of the Collection

NOTE: Once you added interactions to your collection, interactions need to be published if you want to preview OR to embed the live collection. The not published interactions won't show up in collection both in preview or live mode.

You can also create a Collection straight from your Interactions table that you typically see when you log in to CredSparkSimply select the Interactions which should go to your Collection (1), click the “Add to Collection” button (2), and either select the existing Collection or create a new one (3): 

When your Collection is created you will be directed to Collections view, which consists of a few tabs: 

Interactions Tab allows you to add (by clicking + icon) or remove Interactions from the Collection. Note: You can only remove interactions from the Collection itself. If you want to delete the Interaction from your account, you need to delete it from the main Interactions table. 

Engagement Tab displays overall engagement and time spent on Interactions in the Collection. In the left corner you will find a time selector, where you can select the time period on which you’d like to report:

Motivation Tab is the place where you can add motivational elements to your Interactions, such as:


You will find the Collection's embed code in the Delivery Tab. You can also set the order of your interactions there. It's important to note that the Collection overall will have its own, single embed code. As mentioned above, all Interactions within that Collection will appear in the same iframe generated by that embed code.  Please bear in mind that your Interactions can still exist as a standalone version and have their own embedded code. However, the Interaction-level embed code will only display the selected Interaction and there won’t be any signs of Collection unless you use the Collection-level embed code.  

Data Tab is the place where you should go to look for deep and rich data!  There are 2 new report types: Individual Engagement and Audience Engagement, created to provide you with your Collection stats:

Individual Engagement shows each person's engagement across the entire Collection. You can see how many Interactions and when a person completed, what is his/her overall score, etc. If the interaction allows retakes, we will display the most recent completion and the highest score achieved. 

Audience Engagement displays aggregated engagement for each interaction in the Collection. You will find the total average score, the number of completions, the first and the most recent completion in this report. 

Other reports display the aggregated reports data across the Collection and resemble reports which have long been available for each specific Interaction.