The Results View is what the participant sees after completing the quiz, survey, poll, or form. The Results View is highly customizable: let’s take a look at how.  First, go to the “Results View” tab:

To edit a block, click on the related “Pen” icon. The block editor will appear and there you can change the font color and size, background color, upload an image, and much more:


Add Block

You can decide which blocks should be visible to participants by adding or removing blocks. All blocks which appear in the Results View will be displayed to participants. To add a block, click “Add Block” or “Insert Block”:



A modal with all available blocks will appear:



Simply click on the block you want to add and the block will appear in the Results View.

NOTE: Only Custom Message blocks can appear in the Results View more than once.

Remove Block

To remove a block, click the trash bin icon next to the block:



Once removed, blocks can be easily added back later. However, keep in mind that by removing blocks you will remove all customizations/edits made to that block, too. 

Making Results View Settings Default

You can make these settings default for all quizzes by pressing the “Make These Settings Default for Quizzes” checkbox at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: This default state will only apply to future interactions; it will not retroactively apply to any you’ve already created. If you want to override the default state in the future, you can: the default option is meant for those who want the convenience of applying the same settings on a regular basis.

After finishing the Results View customization, don’t forget to click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes:


Displaying Correct/Incorrect Answers on Results View

Quizzes can be used as learning experiences or as assessments. In some cases, you may want users to know which answers were correct or incorrect, and in others you may not–perhaps you intend to allow a learner to retake an assessment. 

These are the various settings you can use, along with common use cases:

  1. Do not display questions/answer choices: With this toggle, you control whether or not the user sees the quiz questions/answer choices. Turn it on and a person can see the questions/answer choices for any/all questions they answered. Turn it off, and the user cannot.

  2. If you choose to display questions and answer choices, you have these further options: 

  1. Display all answers, correct and selected/incorrect: this shows a green mark when the user’s answer was correct and a red X when the user was incorrect, PLUS a green mark on the correct answer(s). Use this setting when you want users to be able to study their performance.
  2. Display only user’s correct answers: with this setting, users will only know which questions they answered correctly. Any question answered incorrectly will still display, but the correct answer will not be indicated. Use this setting when you want users to retake the assessment and do not want to reveal the correct answer to questions they missed.
    NOTE: This option is available only for Premier, Ultimate, and CredSpark+ license tiers.
  3. Do not display correct/incorrect answers. Use this setting when you want a user to be able to review questions and answer choices but do NOT want to show them which answers were correct/incorrect.

This is a quick summary of how the answers can be displayed:

You can set these options by clicking the pencil icon next to “Correct Answers”:


         3.  Additionally, you can select which questions to show to participants and which questions to exclude from the Results View.


You can select the questions by clicking on pencil icon next to “Questions and Answers”

A new pop-up window will appear where you can select questions by clicking on checkboxes. An additional checkbox is provided to include slides. 

If you add new questions to the interaction later and have the "Questions and Answers" box added to the results view, these new questions will automatically be included in the selected questions.

Add To Calendar Button

The "Add to Calendar" button is a convenient tool designed to simplify the process of scheduling events directly from a CredSpark interaction. To incorporate this feature, proceed to the Results View and select “Add Block,” where you'll find the option for the "Add to Calendar" button.

After choosing this option, enter the specific details of your event, such as date, time, and location. Once you've saved these details, the setup is complete.

Participants viewing the Results can then click on the "Add to Calendar" button to add the event information into their calendar application of choice, whether it's Google Calendar, Outlook, or Apple Calendar.