In order to send email notifications to participants, you must go to the Registration tab:

Once you have completed these steps, go to the Data & Analytics tab and look for "Email notifications."

Add a preheader text to the participant's email

You can add a preheader text (recommended 85-100 characters) to incoming emails that wouldn't show in the email content. Add this code line to your code snippet (at the top) and you will be good to go:

<div style="font-size: 0px; line-height: 1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly; display: none; max-width: 0px; max-height: 0px; opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; mso-hide: all;">WRITE YOUR PREHEADER TEXT HERE</div>

This is how the email notification will look like:

And the preheader won't appear in the email content:

Reading Your Data

Bounce - An email message that has been returned as permanently undeliverable. Causes include invalid addresses (domain name doesn't exist, typos, changed address, etc.).

Sent - Initial message was sent.

Open - The email was opened.

Click - An email message with a link or unsubscribe link that the recipient has clicked.