The Short Version

  1. Create Zoom link/invite
  2. Make a Survey in CredSpark
  3. Ensure you use the “Email” question type somewhere (under Create/Edit or the Registration tab)
  4. Use our “Add to Calendar” block on the Results View
  5. Set up Participant notifications in CredSpark, including the invite information
  6. If you are an Omeda client, consider mapping registrant information back to Omeda, as well!

The Long Version

Prepare your Zoom link

1) Create your Zoom webinar or meeting. (Zoom platform)

 Create your form

2) Open up a new Survey / Form

3) Give your registration form a title (keep in mind that the display title will show as a header in the form, so it should be audience friendly), and choose your settings. In this example we allowed for multiple submissions, but this is up to each user. Don’t forget to save! 

Add your content and questions

4) You can either add the First Name, Last Name, Email questions yourself, if you´d like them to appear at the beginning of the form, or you can use the default registration questions, available in the registration tab. IMPORTANT: The registration questions in the registration tab will appear by default at the end of the interaction. If you don’t want that format, make sure that you uncheck the box in the registration tab, delete the “special” questions First name, Last name, and Email, and add those to wherever you want them to display under the “Create/Edit” tab.

Include a welcome message and exciting information about your event in the first question.

Registration tab (unchecked).

Adding contact information questions. (Be sure to use the special “contact” question types, not short answer.)


In this example, we collected the following fields of contact information, each as a separate question: 

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Company
  • Job title 

5) Add any contextual questions that may help make your event even more relevant for your audience. In this example we asked if there were any particular topics that attendees were interested in learning about, and also a space for them to submit a challenge. 

Contextual questions: 

We used display logic so that only those people who selected “Heck yeah!” to submitting a challenge would be directed to the “Submit your challenge” question.

Set up your results view

6) Edit the header with Thank you message, event information. 

Results View tab:

Edit the header by clicking on the pencil next to the header / logo label. Don’t be scared to add images, your logo, etc to align with your company and event branding.

Add the text in a rich text box. You can include video, images, text, emojis. Make sure to include the event date / time / title / speakers. 

7) Add your Zoom link as a “custom message”. Click on the pencil icon to edit. Just copy and paste!

8) Add a block with the “add to calendar” button. Don’t forget to click the “Save” button!

Set up your notifications

9) Self notifications: If you’d like to keep abreast of ongoing registrations, set up “Self-notifications” from the Data & Analytics tab. Navigate to below the data display and click on “Email notifications.” We recommend the following settings for event self-notifications: Event: Quiz completed / Frequency: Per 1 quiz completion / Email: Organizer / Include outcome / Include all information

Data & Analytics tab

Choose your settings. (See above for recommended settings.) 

Add the email address of the organizer and interested parties. Don’t forget to save!

10) Participant notifications: Send an automated confirmation mail to the participants, to be triggered upon completion of the form. Add a Sender Name, Subject, and Reply to email, plus your message. We recommend including the connection information, a reminder to add the event to their calendar, and any other event pre-work links or information. 


    Participant Notifications 

Deliver the form

11) Choose your delivery mechanism from the “Delivery” tab. 

Monitor Sign-ups and Get to Know Your Audience

12) You have 3 options for visualizing data. 

Use the “individual engagement” tab to view detailed responses from people that have registered thus far. Easily download the report using the “down arrow” icon in the upper right corner, or feed the data automatically into your BI platforms by tapping into our API endpoints. (Select license tiers only.)


The “response summary” tab groups all of the data by question. Great for getting a quick overview of sign-ups, roles, companies, etc. 

The “overview” tab gives you a quick overview of demographic information, referring pages, post-quiz action, device types, and more. Great for understanding who your audience is.


  • Use the “Design” tab in the form creator to align your form with your company’s and event’s branding. 
  • Include questions that give you insight into your audience, their interests, and expectations in the event. Use this information to tailor the event to your audience. 
  • Schedule a reminder to go out from your email or email service shortly before the event starts (note: this reminder must go from YOUR email service–CredSpark’s triggered emails only go on completion of a form). 
  • Depending on the size of the audience, you may want to also create a calendar invite and update that periodically as new registrations come in. 

Check out a couple of examples: